Thursday, February 16, 2006

You Confront the Abstract Art

Today will be a rather short post, I believe. Something came to my attention, though! Something of dire importance. Yes, that's right...the Mother 3 website has been updated! Gamespot has the new screenshots as well as a link to the homepage (it's in Japanese) where you can download the main theme as an mp3.

I think that's about it. I very nearly posted last night about some good food. You see, I've stumbled upon these Buffalo Wing Bleu Cheese chips that taste quite a bit like chicken. They're disgusting, but oh so addictive. Ah, the vending's quite a generous vending machine. Often it gives me an extra beef and cheese snack. Last night, it gave me extra change. Ohhhh yeah. The machine and I get along well.

Well, that's all for now. Expect another Fuman's First 10 Friday List tomorrow. I apologize for the lack of humor in this post. It was bad, I know. But...EARTHBOUND! YAY!

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