Monday, December 04, 2006

freshly organized room

Ah, the ol' room is nice and organized for the first time in a while. Not complete, mind you, but much better.

Ah, Christmas time. Sue me, but I love the commercialism and the fakeness of it. If Jesus is the "reason for the season" as they say, then Christmas should be in Marchish. So, I'll take my pagan winter festival, thankyouverymuch.

Been designing a beer label for a class project. Makes me wanna drink. Heavily. But not beer. Rum. Or Irish beer. Yeah, I'll settle for that. After watching Conan, I think I want to make my own Rummy eggnog. Mmmm...eggs + nog = bliss. And heart troubles.

GameFAQs has a top 10 list of underrated Nintendo 64 games. Ah, a nice list...makes me pine for them good ol' 64 days. Especially Mischief Makers and the long multiplayer nights of Goldeneye, Star Fox, and Smash Brothers. Ahhh...well, I restarted Pokemon. Yes sir, I'm going back to the days of wanting to catch 'em all. Right now, my Spanx the Mankey could whip your ass any day of the week. Spanx the Mankey, Slurms the Bulbasaur, and Spread the Butterfree. There's a trio.

Sleep is seeming like a good thing right about now. But a quick hop on AIM to analyze the crowd...and I got nothin' but Poop.

EDIT: HOLY CRAP! What's the Oblongs doing on Adult Swim again? Why not Mission Hill? Hmm...bears investigating. Later. Seacrest OUT!

1 comment:

RMartinLP said...

man i remember the super smash brothers and goldeneye days from my dorm floor last year. that was some fun.