Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It's difficult to stand on both feet, isn't it?

Gaaaaargh! I'm still not feeling 100% up to a full-fledged blog post quite yet. I still feel a bit behind in a lot of areas, and I'd like to fully settle down before making another post.

One of the areas I'm behind in is the world of gaming. Holy crap, how could I forget that E3 was last week? We've got a ton of Wii info (Mario Galaxy, Smash Brothers Brawl, Twilight Princess), a bit of Halo 3, new Sonic news, and much much more. It's almost too much to take in. I mean, Solid Snake battling it out with the likes of Mario and Link in Smash Brothers? Silver the Hedgehog? A non-fat version of Eggman?

There are a few blog ideas rolling around in the ol' noggin so there should be plenty of ammo for the gun of wisdom in the days to come.

EDIT: Did I mention I'm now stuck with a shoddy DSL connection that's split three ways? It's so slooooooow...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Return of the King

Annnnnd I'm back. Yes, that's right - I have survived the Florideal. Overall, good times were had by all. There's much to talk about, and I'd love to get back to blogging right away. Unfortunately, I've some stuff to get caught up on (not to mention some mass reorganization of my room; coming home from college + packing for vacation = utter chaos). I had some time to think about some blog topics for you, the loyal readers. They seemed to have slipped from my head somewhere between Georgia and Kentucky, though, so I'll have to come up with some new stuff for you. Well...sort of. See? Blog funk and I've not even begun. I promise to write more when I'm settled a bit. Have a grand Monday, everybody.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Florida Should be Air-Conditioned

A final final...it was 15 minutes long. Seriously. I can't help but feel somewhat odd about that short little span of time for a test that is supposed to encompass half a semester's worth of material. Ah well...I'm not complaining.

This will be the last post for a while, I'm afraid. This next week will be a one of vacation in the wonderful world of Florida. Well...sort of wonderful. I've some mixed feelings about the whole ordeal. It should be a good time, but nothing can top the time I was in Florida a couple years ago with some good friends. THAT was some good times...I'll be sure to goose the yellow knight at Medieval Times for Jason.

Not much else to talk about. The past couple of days have been packing, unpacking, and repacking. Well, I hope you all survive a week without an update in the Kingdom of Fuman. Something tells me most of you will. Most of you...MUAHAHAHA!!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Final Night

First off, Stephen Colbert is a god among men. If you've not yet seen his little roasting of the president, head on over to iFilm or any other site filled with political clips. I have to agree with Jon Stewart - "balls-alicious"(Colbert's speech, not Jon Stewart).

Conquest of Ape Escape 3 goes well...

Last night, I had a series of dreams. It began innocently enough with a trip to a Renaissance Festival of sorts. This particular festival happened to be on a crescent-shaped island. The inside was surrounded by a line of high mountains (oh, and the middle was a sort of plateau...I think. Well, for a while it was). As I travelled towards the center, I (maybe we at this point) noticed some hovering speederbikes. It turns out these bikers would rush out and grab travellers. This was supposed to be a good thing as the grabbed were the "chosen." You could break away if you wanted, but you'd never be grabbed again. Needless to say I was grabbed and I held on for dear life as we raced across the surf.

At this point, the dream became a sort of arcade game where I teamed up with none other than the Ninja Turtles! It was a high-speed game in which I (with a Ninja Turtle in tow) had to avoid wreckage and islands as I sped along on the speeder bike. There was even a colored HUD, much like the TMNT arcade game. I believe I wrecked at some point and was forced to walk...then I faded into something else...

It began at my house in at which there was some sort of party/gathering. For some reason or another, Jennifer and I began to suspect that my roommate Ken had been murdered. So, obviously since Jen and Ken had the same phone number, she could return home to check and see if he was dead. She called me quickly to report that he wasn't dead. Then she appeared inside the house. How about that?

Then the dream took a nightmarish turn. In this scenario, I was in a basement teamed up with Fox Mulder. He was busy reconstructing a photograph (which reacted a lot like a broken mirror). This reconstruction involved Fox "folding" the image to combine the shards into a larger chunk. There were some demons or something hanging out in the basement...which was fine because we teleported out of the basement and into a stereotypical suburban home. There was a knock at the door...

Fox and I answered it. Wait! Wasn't Fox at the door? Eh, no matter...anyway, there was a woman (a wife?) on a couch behind us and to our right. She began screaming "He's out there!" repeatedly. We ran to her and looked out the sliding glass door near her. As a matter of fact "he" WAS out there. Sort of. A person in a hoodie (face was hidden) had a shovel and was chasing a girl. He swung at her...slowly...and hit her in the back of the leg. She sort of collapsed...slowly. Then the Hooded Slow Shoveler came in through the door. For some reason, this part of the nightmare was the most terrifying and much screaming ensued. This continued despite the fact that hood fell away and we saw a girl. Seemed to be late teens or early 20's. She had a straw and threatened (while laughing and stumbling) to "stick the straw in your (our) asses." Yeah...don't know about that one. I woke up quite confused.

That was wordy!

So here we go...the last night here at BSU. Sure I'll miss a few things...well, maybe 2 things or so...but I'll be glad to head home.

Not quite sure how to end this post...umm...well, we don't need to worry about that. I'll probably be posting within the next couple of days. BOOYA!

Monday, May 01, 2006


Schizoid because this post has a rant AND a happy little thing. We'll get the ugliness out of the way first.

Something I've learned here at Ball State: people are pathetic. I sort of figured this already, but if I hear one more "Hey, can you tell me what we did/what we're doing/when the final is/what the final is over?" I just might snap. I can understand when somebody is sick and needs some info. That's fine. But what I tend to hear is "Oh, I'm sorry I couldn't POSSIBLY haul my ass to class like a responsible person, so can you spoon feed me the information that I just couldn't bear to go to class to get?" Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that you go to bed around 6 a.m. and wonder why you're tired. You know what's worse? Being asked THREE times when a final is. Once is almost too much since it's available on our online schedule. THREE times?


I don't mind helping out. But people sadden me...

Okay, now for the good thing. The Calculus final went rather smoothly and I even had a nice walk back. The weather was JUST a tad too cold, but there was that perfect light rain. I have a feeling there will be some good nights this summer. This post seems unbalanced - a lot of rant, a little goodness. Well, the power of the good is infinite. Or something cheesy like that...


I'm happy to report that I feel much better today compared to last night. My head feels cleaner and there's not much in the way of ominous inexplicable feelings thrashing around my brain.

I've also learned that I can get a 0 on my speech final and still get around a 90% in the class. I can get a 0 in computer science and still get around an 80%. Or maybe I mixed those up. But that seems right.

Tonight begins the first of the Final Four Fiends.

"Must stop finals' spinning! Jump Kain! Jump!"

Expect a slightly more substantial post in the days to come.

Musings of a Gummed Up Mind

I didn't blog on Friday. I really really felt like blogging today, but I couldn't quite get it out. I'm not exactly sure what's been going on with me, but my mind seems like it's in a big funk. It's not any sort of depression or anything...my mind's simply not quite working in a lucid manner. I almost feel like my mind is restructuring itself and some of my core beliefs and values are shifting a bit. I'm sure they're not headed in any horribly evil direction...just a different one.

I must say, finals week is not a good week for a mental restructuring. However, I feel that finals should go pretty smoothly. My calculus final is Monday night, so I'll be glad to get that one out of the way early - it looks to be my hardest.

There seems to be SOMEthing jostling around in me. Can't say that it feels too pretty, either...ah well. Like I said, my mind's in some sort of haze. I'm hoping that this week will clear this shroud up.

Millions of things seem to be great blogging topics...video games, comics, music...I've certainly kept myself involved in those. Oh well. Maybe a better post will be coming your way soon enough. Take care, people.