Wednesday, December 14, 2005

You Playing Mario?

So, I got the chance to play Sonic Robo Blast 2 again, but this time on an actual Windows PC. Wow...these guys really put a lot into this game! It's not perfect, but for a volunteer project this blows most other fan-made games out of the water. Not only is it cool to have a free 3D Sonic game (with available level and character mods), but Sonikku and SSNTails captured the feel of the classic Sonic games. The level designs feel more like traditional Sonic than Sonic Adventure or even Heroes did. You have your stereotypical checkerboard/palm tree area and a hilltop-esque zone. Then there are the add-on levels. I didn't play many of them, but one in particular caught my eye - the first level of Super Mario Brothers! It was completely 2D, but included item boxes and even a fireflower that gave Sonic and crew the ability to throw fireballs.

SBR2 ranks high on the nostalgia factor, and any Sonic the Hedgehog fan should give this project a run. Heck, I hope when I grow up I can make stuff like this! Soon...soon...

Nonworking Designs

Today's a sad day in the gaming world. Working Designs, a videogame company that can trace its origins to the 80's officially announced that its doors are closing. Now it's always sad when a videogame company goes under, but the reasons for this company's downfall was rather sad. I can't say that I've played any of the games they brought to America except some of the Arc the Lad collection. The one thing that makes me really sad? They were pretty much done with releasing Goemon on PS2!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! I've been waiting for that since I first saw that obscure little screenshot back in PSM (wonder if that mag's still around...). So, I am a sad clown in that respect.

Finals are another story. I'd say my finals have had an ATK of about 3 with a DEF of around 5ish. SO EASY! It's HP is down, but you know what happens when the HP is low. That's right, Limit Breaks.

Man, someday I will post a meaningful post. In the meantime...11 days until Sega Saturn! WHOO!!!

Oh, that reminds me. Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a happy little free game. It seems some guys tweaked the DooM engine and made a 3-D Sonic the Hedgehog platformer. I suggest giving it a spin! It's pretty well done, though I could only play it under the restrictions of Virtual PC. I'm sure at full speed it's amazing. Even at reduced speed it's...amazing. Give it a try!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Where's the Ether?

I love video games. I really do. But games today tend to alarm me, and there's one simple reason for it - a lack of magic. By magic I mean an addictive quality that just made me want to play the snot out of a game. Super Mario Brothers 3 had it...Kirby's Adventure had it...heck, a ton of games had it. Once again, I'm probably just a bitter old man, but Halo 2 was fun the first time through. And then, it was fun again when I played multiplayer with people who didn't take the game so seriously. Online gameplay just didn't satisfy me. The only fun I've had with online gaming is playing Battlefront online with people I know. Oh, and Maple Story...of course that's online-only and I tried to avoid the serious Maplers.

Gamers are so "hardk0r3 t0 t3h maxx0rz" today. I'm glad that video games are getting more support from the mainstream nowadays, but every time I see a Spike TV commercial for it's "awards" program, I throw up just an itty bit. Oh, and a kitten dies. And my soul fades a bit. I sometimes fear that game developers sacrifice imaginative input for sparkly graphics.

This was going to go somewhere, but I lost my train of thought. Sorry about that. But you people should IM me and talk about this. It'd be a good conversation.

This post was boring. I promise a nicer one....later.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Green Greens, Butter Buildings, Posty Posts...

Holy Crap! I was just over at VGMix (which is an amazing site that any videogame or music fan should go to. I believe that's everybody, so everybody...GO THERE!). They have a new mix from Kirby Superstar. Can you believe that game is 10 years old!? I'm getting old...oh, Kirby of THE best Super Nintendo games ever.

Oh, what's this? A double post? Sorry, I was just amazed that the game was 10 years old. That, and I felt like plugging VGMix. And I was bored. And I'm preluding to the next post. Is preluding a word? I don't know. Well, I'm done for now. Buh-bye.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Previously on the Kingdom of Fuman...

"It sits there...laughing. Out there somewhere, sits a Sega Saturn. It's laughing...and says "HAHA! You'll never get me! I'm far too elusive!" But Mr. Saturn (whoa, Earthbound) would be incorrect. For I see him...sitting on the eBay page."

Remember that? REMEMBER that? So, I'm sitting at my parents' computer Saturday night roaming eBay, mindlessly searching for a Sega Saturn deal. Oh, I came upon pages and pages of deals that were a bit...not dealish. AND THEN! And then, I found a nice little deal. Sure, I'd be paying a little bit for it, but I'd have a 3D controller and about 10 games (including NiGHTs and Sonic 3D Blast). I was close to buying it, but instead asked my dear old mother, "Mother dearest. You have been complaining that I haven't had much in the way of gift ideas. Mayhaps you'd like to purchase this Sega Saturn and games for me?" To which she replied something about not trusting online people for videogame consoles. I then told her I was going to buy it. Then, from the corner of my eye I see my stepdad setting down a USPS box. He opens it and...A SEGA SATURN SMILES AT ME! The heavens parted, light filled the room, and Yuji Naka's beaming face filled the sky. That's right, I'm getting a Saturn for Christmas. Oh yeah.

So, what else has been dearest Pecan Pie's play opened last weekend! Jennifer (the just-mentioned Pecan Pie) actually has the lead female part. If any of you readers will be in Shelbyville next weekend, I'd suggest shelling out the 5 to see it at the Shelbyville Community Theatre. It's called "East of the Sun" and is the wackiest Nordic myth I've ever seen. And that's the truth. The entire cast does a wonderful job and the set looks very nice. They've put in a lot of hard work towards this production, so let 'em know you appreciate them.

I've had videogames on the mind lately...I predict the next post will be about the lovely marvels known as BIDEO GEEMU! That's videogames for all you...normal people. Oh seems the White Castles I had for supper are wreaking havoc in my tummybox. It's time to rest...and read some more of Douglas Adams' The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul. Until next time, dear readers.

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