Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Life, the Universe and Everything...

Whoo, free time! It seems that whatever gnomes had set up a colony in my nasal passage are now gone. Well, their last are pulling up stakes and heading out, anyway. This means I can breathe again! As it turns out this was not my time to die, as I predicted just a few days ago. Sorry about the false alarm, but better safe than sorry, right? I mean, at least you guys were prepared. Maybe next time. I've just recently finished up DC: The New Frontier - Volume 1 by Darwyn Cook. It's a very well done comic and I love seeing all of my favorite heroes BEFORE the Justice League was formed. It's especially entertaining to see the Martian J'onn J'onzz attempt to adapt to life on Earth by means of television programming. Hal Jordan has some nice panels that tell of his history and dreams of flight. Yup, a really great comic that tells the "untold tales" of what happened between the disbanding of the Justice Society and the forming of the Justice League (from what I can tell anyway. It IS, after all, only the first half). I'd suggest picking it up from your local comic shop.

I've begun my journey into the mind of Douglas Adams in The Salmon of Doubt, a collection of his various writings and (so I'm told) a short story. I've only just begun and already it's been a great experience. Seeing what went on in Adams' head shows us just how nifty of a guy he was. Once again, I'd suggest picking it up. Of course, I'd also suggest picking up The Hitchhiker trilogy (that's 5 books, mind you).

Well, it seems my life is all comics, books, and videogames. There's something I haven't rambled on about lately...videogames. Mmmm...oh well, maybe next time. I'm done for now.

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