Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Nonworking Designs

Today's a sad day in the gaming world. Working Designs, a videogame company that can trace its origins to the 80's officially announced that its doors are closing. Now it's always sad when a videogame company goes under, but the reasons for this company's downfall was rather sad. I can't say that I've played any of the games they brought to America except some of the Arc the Lad collection. The one thing that makes me really sad? They were pretty much done with releasing Goemon on PS2!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! I've been waiting for that since I first saw that obscure little screenshot back in PSM (wonder if that mag's still around...). So, I am a sad clown in that respect.

Finals are another story. I'd say my finals have had an ATK of about 3 with a DEF of around 5ish. SO EASY! It's HP is down, but you know what happens when the HP is low. That's right, Limit Breaks.

Man, someday I will post a meaningful post. In the meantime...11 days until Sega Saturn! WHOO!!!

Oh, that reminds me. Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a happy little free game. It seems some guys tweaked the DooM engine and made a 3-D Sonic the Hedgehog platformer. I suggest giving it a spin! It's pretty well done, though I could only play it under the restrictions of Virtual PC. I'm sure at full speed it's amazing. Even at reduced speed it's...amazing. Give it a try!

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