Friday, August 18, 2006

Most Disturbing

It seems that all technology around me is rebelling. It started off simply enough. My rear passenger side tire 'sploded. No biggie, I suppose...a quick apprehension of some new tires and I was on my merry way.
It seems that all technology around me is rebelling. It started off simply enough. My rear passenger side tire 'sploded. No biggie, I suppose...a quick apprehension of some new tires and I was on my merry way.

Then the iPod began to mew and groan like a constipated kitten. It would hiccup and grind quite loudly. Oh, and then it began to lock up. Ah yes, then it refused to play any music I had purchased from iTunes (luckily the minority of music stored in my iPod, OMAC). And mysteriously, after a few attempted restorings the iPod seemed good as new. The joy was not to last.

Immediately after the iPod began acting normal, the connector on my cassette adapter (which allows me to enjoy my tunes in the car) began to give out and I now have to hold the iPod just so to get it to properly transmit my tunes through the wire into the cassette bay.
Then the iPod began to mew and groan like a constipated kitten. It would hiccup and grind quite loudly. Oh, and then it began to lock up. Ah yes, then it refused to play any music I had purchased from iTunes (luckily the minority of music stored in my iPod, OMAC). And mysteriously, after a few attempted restorings the iPod seemed good as new. The joy was not to last.

Immediately after the iPod began acting normal, the connector on my cassette adapter (which allows me to enjoy my tunes in the car) began to give out and I now have to hold the iPod just so to get it to properly transmit my tunes through the wire into the cassette bay. FM transmitter, you say? If only it could come through halfway clearly. Ah well. An iTrip seems to be in my future.

In another form of an iTrip, I may have to make an iTrip of my own to the Apple Store. Yes, to top off the rebellious technology list, my lovely iMac has started to act rather weird. First the Firewire ports will only charge the iPod (not transmit data). And now, it randomly shuts down. It likes to wait until I look away to blink off.

Could it be that I have pissed off some tech-deity? Or are the fates trying to grind my mind down until I snap and just start killing things? Funny story about that, actually...let's just say Wal-Mart does that to you. And yes, you are a dick. And that box of lightbulbs deserved the thrashing. But ANYway...I'm better now. A few seconds from a murderous rage, but I'm all better now...much much better...

At this point, the Mac shut down. Crap.

Anyway, I looked at this and got thoroughly depressed. Well, not really. Take a look. That's a graph showing how many visits the blog has gotten since about this time last year. Now, I think about 1.3ish people read this. Ah well. Perhaps when this school thing starts up.

And in case you were wondering, here is my desktop without a Firefox window open.

Yup. Good ol' Zoidberg peeks at me all the time. Dr. Zoidberg - a crustacean at which we can all look up. And now, it's time for some Futurama. And animal crackers. Mmm...well, that's all for now.

1 comment:

RMartinLP said...

Technology seems to do that. My car adapter has also crapped out on me so now I've been listening to 107.9 when I drive. I'm actually hoping my Ipod gives out soon since I have a warranty with Best Buy I would get a new one lol.