Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Spiteful Crow Attacks!

I've had Earthbound on the brain lately. No idea why, but I've just been thinking a lot about that wonderful wonderful gem of a game. If you've not ever played it, give it a try - it's one of the shining examples of how awesome RPGs were back in the 16-bit days. Not that all RPGs suck now...it's just that you have to dig deep into the muck of miserable game titles to arrive at a truly good game. In my searchings for Earthbound material, I came across an interesting recording...it seems in 1989, Mother (the precursor to Earthbound/Mother 2) became the subject of a musical production. That's right, a full orchestra provided backup to choirs and umm...some sort of synthesizer mess. Chock full of cheesy '80s lyrics, this was quite something. In fact, I've pulled up the link now. Give it a listen. As of now, I've only listened to the Eight Melodies and Pollyana (which was referenced in Home Again, a track in another spifferific Earthbound musical production, Bound Together).

There's really not much else to report. Well, I looked up some info on Mother 3 (which doesn't seem likely to cross the Pacific). Looks wacky...Pig Armies, massive destruction, and scores of deaths. Seems fun to me! Though, the Mr. Saturns seem to be missing...

Any other news? Hmm...seems likely that I'll be working in the Wal-Mart dairy area. Yay for milk and eggs!

Attended a family reunion, and it turns out we have some black people in our family. They seemed quite nice, and offered us a place to stay if we were ever in the Chicago area. It was a tad odd at our family reunion, and it kept making me think of Uncle Ruckus' little tune on the Boondocks.

And now, it's time for some Futurama. And animal crackers (can't beat $1.50 for 2 lbs. of heaven!) Take care, people. Keep yourselves hydrated and out of the sun. PSA from the King himself.

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