Monday, February 28, 2005

It's in French!!!

Hoo boy, I love you all. I really do. Today has been a nice little trip down through my memories. With Jason and Joey and Ben (with the malformed head) I did recall many nice things. For example, our trip to Washington, D.C. That was some good times...for one thing, I stole all of the light out of our hotel room and pounced upon Joseph. He jumped up in terror and screams of "OH MY GOD!" and the next thing we know he's across the room slumped in the corner. See, he jumped up and ran across his bed AND the bed next to it and kept right on going...straight into the wall. Har. Your face and the wall didn't mix too well, eh? Poor Joseph.

Well, THAT was a random little thing. I saw Phantom of the Opera (the movie version) a few days ago, and I would suggest you get right out there and see it. It's really awesome and, of course, has a wicked happy score (the soundtrack makes me quiver in joy). Before, I had never seen any sort of production of the musical and I'm almost glad I waited until seeing this.

Umm...what else to say? Oh, Katamari Damacy. This nice little PS2 game (I'm told it's kind of hard to find) set me back only $20 and I can say it was $20 well-spent. Heck, I'd shell out another 30 bucks for it - it's just that happy. It's a bit wacky, but innovative. You play "the Prince", a short little guy who's job is to push around a katamari (sticky ball. katamari is Japanese for lump or something like that) and pick up whatever objects in your environment you possibly can. It's kind of simple, but challenging. If you're not a fan of quirky humor (especially of the Japanese kind) you may find it stupid. Once again, a product with an awesome soundtrack. I'd give Katamari Damacy 5 herrings (of which there are...many) as a score.

WHOO! How's THAT for having a post that makes sense? Eat it, nonsense. Well, this has been fun, but I'm done for now. Remember, be wary of the pregnant ones. They seem nice and sweet but that's just so you let your guard down so they can feed you to their babies. Well, not YOU but your soul. When that baby absorbs your crystal you can just consider your hard-earned Ice 4 spell theirs. That's how life goes.

1 comment:

Chris Reeve is a good friend of mine. said...

Ben. Yes. Yes, of course. Ben, indeed.