Monday, May 01, 2006


Schizoid because this post has a rant AND a happy little thing. We'll get the ugliness out of the way first.

Something I've learned here at Ball State: people are pathetic. I sort of figured this already, but if I hear one more "Hey, can you tell me what we did/what we're doing/when the final is/what the final is over?" I just might snap. I can understand when somebody is sick and needs some info. That's fine. But what I tend to hear is "Oh, I'm sorry I couldn't POSSIBLY haul my ass to class like a responsible person, so can you spoon feed me the information that I just couldn't bear to go to class to get?" Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that you go to bed around 6 a.m. and wonder why you're tired. You know what's worse? Being asked THREE times when a final is. Once is almost too much since it's available on our online schedule. THREE times?


I don't mind helping out. But people sadden me...

Okay, now for the good thing. The Calculus final went rather smoothly and I even had a nice walk back. The weather was JUST a tad too cold, but there was that perfect light rain. I have a feeling there will be some good nights this summer. This post seems unbalanced - a lot of rant, a little goodness. Well, the power of the good is infinite. Or something cheesy like that...

1 comment:

Joey said...

See, I don't go to class, and I don't ask people for help. I don't go to class because I don't care, so I'm not going to waste my time asking about something I don't care about.

And yes, people suck.