Monday, May 01, 2006

Musings of a Gummed Up Mind

I didn't blog on Friday. I really really felt like blogging today, but I couldn't quite get it out. I'm not exactly sure what's been going on with me, but my mind seems like it's in a big funk. It's not any sort of depression or mind's simply not quite working in a lucid manner. I almost feel like my mind is restructuring itself and some of my core beliefs and values are shifting a bit. I'm sure they're not headed in any horribly evil direction...just a different one.

I must say, finals week is not a good week for a mental restructuring. However, I feel that finals should go pretty smoothly. My calculus final is Monday night, so I'll be glad to get that one out of the way early - it looks to be my hardest.

There seems to be SOMEthing jostling around in me. Can't say that it feels too pretty, either...ah well. Like I said, my mind's in some sort of haze. I'm hoping that this week will clear this shroud up.

Millions of things seem to be great blogging games, comics, music...I've certainly kept myself involved in those. Oh well. Maybe a better post will be coming your way soon enough. Take care, people.

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