Thursday, October 06, 2005


Alright, so I'm sitting here thinking about blogging. I had no idea in mind, and then it came to me in the form of Google News. Apparently, the world's abuzz with the fact that Apple is having some sort of "mystery launch" soon. Many people are saying it's an iPod capable of playing videos, which MAKES ME ANGRY!!! If you have an iPod, you probably have a computer. Therefore, you can watch them on the computer. Why is it that people want to watch TV or movies on a screen so small? Has it come to the point where Americans are so addicted to TV that they can't possibly go anywhere without it? I don't know, folks...seems like iRubbish to me. On the other hand, maybe the mystery product is, in fact something much much better...we shall see. Mr. Jobs, show me something good!

On another note...I don't have much else to talk about. There was a major restructuring of my VGMix and OC Remix playlists (whoo...). Such is the exciting life I lead. I've been itching to play some classic Megaman games today. Heck, I feel like playing Megaman Legends.

Well, for now I am completely out of will to ramble. That's right, I'm out of WP. Will Points. Like Hit Points, but for will...


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