Sunday, October 02, 2005

Turkey Legge

Well, this weekend was pretty good. Actually, it was more than just "pretty good." It was GREAT. The first couple of times I came home from Ball State, everything seemed so weird...and not just because my room is slightly rearranged. I had some moments where I almost went into panic 'cause I had no idea what was going on. I'd doze off at Jen's house and wake up with a feeling of terror. This weekend, though, it felt like home again. Today I made my annual trek to the Renaissance festival in Harveysburg, Ohio, and if you've never been, GO! It's worth the trip just for the gigantic turkey legs, or as I like to call them God Legs. I lied. I don't really call them that, but they ARE that good.

Part of the Renaissance Festival experience is seeing all of the costumes put together by Renaissance fans. They range from professional to...not so professional to "what in blazes are you thinking?" For an example of the last tier, let me tell you about this trio of morons I saw today. They were equipped with togas, sandals, and olive wreaths upon their heads. THEY WERE DRESSED LIKE FREAKING ROMANS! Hoo boy...I guess the costumes looked alright, though. Some day I shall give in to my desire to join the cadre of fans that spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on a costume that would get you locked away if you wore it ANY place other than a Renaissance Festival. Or Medieval Times. That's a good place.

As part of my coming home tradition, I always stop to talk to my dad and pick up the last two weeks' worth of comics. I was especially excited about this particular shipment because a lot of the mini-series leading up to DC's Infinite Crisis concluded. It's kind of sad, because I was pretty impressed with them (Day of Vengeance especially...I mean, it has the return of a goofy character from the 50's: a super smart chimpanzee known as Bobo, the Detective Chimp. Only now he's a drunken super smart chimpanzee...). The whole Green Lantern Corps: Recharge also had me more than a little tickled. There's just something so cool about having such a huge organization be reborn. I suppose I should enjoy these comics while they last...if you follow comics at all, you'll know that DC's experimenting with an interesting approach. After this big event called Infinite Crisis (which will end up completely restructuring the DC universe), mos major titles will jump forward one year. To fill in the gaps, a weekly comic titled 52 will focus on different bits and uncover some new faces under familiar cowls and some all-new capes. I don't know...the DCverse already seems darker. Heck, there isn't much of a JLA right now. If I remember correctly, it's now Superman, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lantern (Stewart). Sigh...why do you torture me, DC? WHY!?

Well, that's about all I have to say about that...

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