Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Nintendo Fokkin' Fanboy

Yeah, that's right. I'm a Nintendo Fokkin' Fanboy. Well, sort of. Let's just say I'm very loyal to certain companies. Yes, Super Mario Sunshine made me want to frolic with a bunch of naked men around a beach yet I can still say it was a good game (which it was - not GREAT, but good). I'm a Nintendo Fokkin' Fanboy. And a Sonic one...and a Final Fantasy one...and so on. But don't think for a second that I can't see the flaws in the games! Oh, I can see the flaws of such games and yet I still think they have that little special somethin' somethin'. That's my opener for THIS post.

I'm starting to run out of things to ramble on about. I'm sure I could dredge up something from the dark recesses of my mind, but that would take so much effort. Besides, I'd rather whine about not having anything to write and then completely go against that by having a solid topic next time. That way you'll be pleasantly surprised.

"Oh, it's time to check Corey's blog. Yes, he has no topic about which to write yet I'll read it any-WHOA! A solid topic. Boy, am I pleasantly surprised!"

That's how it plays out in my head at least. Speaking of people who read this drivel, my pageloads shot through the roof last Thursday! I had 40 unique visitors from all over the world. That's a high number for this blog which sees about 5-ish visitors per day. I must figure out what was so special about that post. For you see, I base my complete self worth on how many people come to read this blog. So make me feel good about myself. Nah, just joshing. It doesn't matter to me if it's 2,000 or 2 people that read this. It's a fun little adventure regardless.

Well, that's it for now! I promise more exciting adventures tomorrow (or thereabouts). So come back! Same Bat-Time! Same Bat-Channel!

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