Monday, September 26, 2005


That's how many songs I now have in my iTunes library after my mass reorganization and purging/additions. Of course, it's not quite over...there's still some VGMix music to organize. A 75 song playlist is just too large. As I was speaking with Joey he revealed to me that he absolutely loves messing with his big mass o' music. I can see where he's coming from...I felt like MUSIC GOD! And for my next trick, I'll convert these m4a's to mp3's! HOOAH!

And for today's effed up dream...Mr. Drake and the Groundhogs. This was one of those dreams where thousands of things go on, but you don't really remember them when you wake up. The highlight was a bus ride (to where? I dunno) featuring none other than Mr. Stevie Drake. Anyway, I was sitting at about the halfway mark on the bus and it was quite crowded. One person yelled out that they saw a groundhog and then proceeded to tell Mr. Drake. Of course, in the dream it was well known that King Steve would snap at the mention of groundhogs. And so he did...something to effect of "I'll get my flashlight and beat them to death!!!" Then he was offered some gum...and he slooooowly bit into the corner eliciting a lot of "ohhhhs!" from the bus. I guess it was really odd for Mr. Drake to chew gum. After the initial nibble he quickly downed the thing and started yelling. Yep. The only other part I remember is being in Kellie's class with Tyler and Sarah. The good ol' days...

This weekend was lovely Pecan Pie came up like she does every other weekend. We managed to traverse the great expanse that is Muncie and came upon a lot of great little shops. Well, great is the wrong word...and there were only like 2. The comic shop looked great, but alas it was closed.

Y'know, Toys R (pretend it's backwards) Us is a great place...that holds a LOT of memories for me, and I've always been fond of the store...who knows why? Maybe because my first Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64, and Sega Dreamcast memories were there? Or maybe because my odd Mega Man figures from the mid 90's came from there? Who shall forever be a mystery. But I bet it has something to do with the old hanging Caped Mario they had when I was a kid.

Another store Jen and I went to was a place called Live in the Now. Kind of a misnomer considering they deal in used music, movies, and games. Anyway, they had some Sega Saturn games and that reignited an old passion of mine...THE QUEST FOR A SEGA SATURN! Y'see, I couldn't fathom owning a 3D system when the Saturn first came out...I could only drool all over the spiffy 3D controller at Media Play and Toys R Us. I absolutely loved playing NiGHTS, Panzer Dragoon, and Sonic R...I never even got the chance to play Sonic Jam, but I'd give certain body parts away just to own it and the Saturn.

"Well, gee Corey...why don't you check eBay?"

I have. And I've made many many false starts on the mission to buy one. I'm going to...maybe. They're getting more and more expensive, though...well, we'll see. Some day a Sega Saturn will grace my collection of Heavens (or consoles, whatever you want to call them)...until then...I'll be very happy with my current systems.

Well, I told myself I would BLOG TO THE FINISH! And so I have. Yep, this is an adequate length of a post, I'd say.


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