Thursday, September 22, 2005

Bush, search party of 3...

Man, I'm tired. It just came over me as I put forth an extreme effort to think of a title for this post. Thank you, Mr. Hedberg for providing me with such a nice title. Now, how to tie it in with my post? Umm...I went to Friday's last Saturday with my Pecan Pie and got the Jack Daniel's Sesame Chicken Strips. Them babies are GOOOOOOD.

Today was something...had a spot of homework here and there. I really think I lucked out and got easy classes this's a lot of reading, but that's about it. Had a nice time over at Jason and Matt's place. We reminisced about the good ol' times at Kasey's house.

"Hey,'s that girl's daddy!"

It got me thinking how those were probably THE best times I've ever had with friends. From Chris putting plastic bags on his head while riding down the interstate to Gordo's random comments regarding bratwurst, "shit we don't need to be doin'," and snow in the middle of summer. Those were great times...thanks to Kasey, Chris, Jason, Matt, and others for that crazy stuff. Hopefully many more shenanigans will come to fruition later.

Today was a nostalgic day. Not just the friends stuff, either. I really longed for sitting in my room on Counselor Row, playing Final Fantasy Tactics or Turok in the summer. Every once in a while screams would tear from Blaire's house (see link at side) as a game of Soccer Ball started. Those were good days...y'know it's really weird what sticks in your mind. I could list off thousands upon thousands of random moments that just strike me as special...of course, not many others would quite understand. That's okay, though - we all have our own unique memories.

Well, I typed and I typed about random crap that maybe 3 people will care about. I really hope I can start typing stuff of worth. For now, though, it feels good to just let my thoughts out. And I like to see that hit counter rise. Oh yeah.

BRAIN FLASH!!! or...storm...or whatever. Next's gonna be about underrated games. Oh, and earlier today I made my first icon with Photoshop and Iconbuilder. BOW TO FUMAN!

1 comment:

Joey said...

Ah, Turok. Now there was a good game series. Rage Wars consumed more hours of my life than I'm inclined to tell. Good times.