Monday, September 12, 2005

5 Months and 1 Day

That's now long it's been since I've posted on this guy. I think I should start doing this again...yeah, I'm pretty sure I should. So to start off the "rebirth" of sorts I'm going to post a list of things which are wicked awesome. And if you don't think they are, too bad...they just are.

Final Fantasy Tactics, the Tick, Green Lantern, Jones Soda, Rush, Chicago (the band), Barenaked Ladies (the band), Sonic the Hedgehog, sRPGs, videogames in general, pirates, iPods, spheres, Diet Pepsi Vanilla, Star Wars, jerky, Chocolate Mini Peaks (at Wal*Mart - next to the Little Debbie snacks), Trogdor, comic books, superhero outfits, Redwall, fire, Photoshop, illegal downloading, Japan, Irish accents, Conan O'Brien.

But anyway...this guy's coming back to life. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

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