Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Cue Monkey

Okay, I decided a week or two ago that Ball State made me poop. I have since changed my position - it gives me wacky dreams. A couple of nights ago, I had a very long complicated dream. I won't go into the details, so let's just say it involved a ballet/play with fish puns that made no sense and a guy with a large blonde beard walking in downtown Shelbyville in naught but a towel and a yellow shower cap. Explain that to me. Anyway, the culmination of the dream was in a car lot. A Chik-fil-a minivan drove by chock full of people eating waffle fries and chicken nuggets. And as I turned from the van I came upon Penn and Teller who happened to be selling cars. I struck up a conversation with them and asked Penn if his daughter was really named Moxie Crimefighter. In case you didn't know, his daughter really IS named Moxie Crimefighter. We had a good laugh and then he spoke to me...he told me I should name my child Cue Monkey. Cue. Monkey. Well assuming I ever have little ones, I've already got the name picked out. After all, who would argue with Penn?

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