Friday, September 30, 2005

Blah blah blah...

What is up with Fridays? If you recall from last week's post, I had a butt baby with no understanding of patience. This Friday was no different...only this one got violent. I think I'm bruised. That's kinda gross, actually...well, Fuzzy will like it.

Unfortunately, I had no Safety Dance to accompany me this time. On a related note, Jeff Goldblum was no longer there! Some jerk destroyed him. This made my bathroom experience a very lonely one. Oh, Mr. Goldblum...where have your freakishly extended eyes gone off to? Guess it's time to print another.

Remember back in the day when I used to attempt to put some sort of angle on this blog? Well, I think I've given up on that...I like the randomness. But MAN...this kind of crap has to be boring. This one's short, too, so I'm probably at the end of the line as far as it goes for rambling. For today, anyway. Perhaps next time, we'll have a little post that is a bit more...umm...not pointless. Next time may not be until Sunday, though. Tough it out.

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