Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Aoi Pepsi!

What a dark and depressing matter.

As I type this, my Gmail inbox is refusing to open. CURSE YOU! Oh wait...there it goes. No new mail, anyway. Speaking of cursing, who's brilliant idea was it to have a calculus class from 6:30-7:45 at night? And who's the genius who made that the ONLY possible calculus class I can get into? Grrr...and it WAS on the 4th floor, but that's been moved, thank heavens.

Today is a good day. Today is the day that I began work on the transfer application process to IUPUI. Mmm...I can't wait to get out of here and out to IUPUI doing what I REALLY want to do. The deal is made much sweeter when I think that I'll be ever closer to my Pecan Pie.

I was reminded of a lost love today. Its name...was Pepsi Blue. Oh, how I loved the sickeningly sweet fruity/cola taste of this elixir. If only Pepsi hadn't canned...hehe..."canned" this wonderful drink. I hear rumors that in Mexico and Puerto Rico, Pepsi Blue is still sold! If any of you readers are from around those parts, I'd be willing to make some deals! Mmm...Pepsi Blue. Some go south for cheap perfume, alcohol, or altered Coca-Cola. Me? I want to just pick up some Pepsi Blue.

Well, that's about it for now. OH! I nearly forgot. A new remix project was recently made available via OC Remix. It's called Chrono Symphonic, and seems to be an orchestral arrangement of the Chrono Trigger soundtrack. It's laid out much like a movie soundtrack. I've only listened to a few tracks so far, and I can tell you it's worth the download. If you're a fan of the work of Yasunori Mitsuda or Nobuo Uematsu (or you just really appreciate nice compositions) check this out!

Now, that's REALLY it for now.

1 comment:

Joey said...

Hmmm... I don't remember seeing it in Mexico, but they did have 1 liter bottles of everything, which was sweet