Monday, January 23, 2006

This is the Ultimate Showdown...

First off, head here. A lovely little video (the mp3 is available, too).

Today is...blah. It seemed like it went by really fast, and yet it seemed so long. I don't really know how THAT one works out. Perhaps the walls of Hypertime are breaking down? Gah, such a geek. Things have been odd here since my first week back. I feel so out of it most of the time. Everything's sort of a blur, I just sort of exist, and I don't really spend time productively. At least, I don't think I do. I've been spending a bunch of time reading Wikipedia articles on whatever comes to mind (mainly video game topics and comic book-related readings).

Ah, last weekend. I nearly forgot to mention that. Friday was formal, and I took Jen out to New Japan before heading to the dance. GAH! The dance...though we had a good time, it seems all the DJ wanted to play was rap. And then some rap. Then some MORE rap, and finally...some...other nonsense. Only one slow song the entire dance. Regardless, we were able to hang out with Tyler and his Betty, which proved to be quite the grand experience!

Ah, update on the keyboard incident. I visited the Apple Store (a.k.a. Heaven) and asked about my keyboard. Wouldn't you know it? They offered to completely replace the thing! Unfortunately, they had none to trade so I have to trek back to Keystone. I'm not complaining, though! A free replacement! I finally got to handle the Mighty Mouse, and I must say that I now feel like I need to have one. At first, I wasn't too impressed but when you actually USE it, you realize it's quite a nice little mouse. A tad pricey at $49 (which is the one thing deterring me from buying it), but a nice little gadget.

I think I may have something else to impart to you, dear readers...but I'm sure it will come back. I'm thinking it was comic related. Well, we shall see.

The Force will be with you...always.

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