Friday, January 27, 2006

The extreme link to of past 64 DS II: Cut director

After the person... directly that us being able to give extreme Nintendo, almost they are 15 years. And as for something 10 years for Nintendo 64! You like? The person... I have remembered my first glance of extreme Nintendo of JC Penney at bell air shopping center. The boy of Hoo. We bought our extreme Nintendo at optional night Wal*Mart. Only I having remembered after buying that, it sat down in the MacDonald private road and I who look at that the extreme world of て and Mario is included the excess had almost soaked by my! It can ride in Yoshi me, you were surprised completely with thought. As for Heh... as for the scratching saw which is struck from the item box where is based on some half of the memory box where Nintendo I am quickest in order to come out, when the wife of my uncle and that Belgium taught to me, was. And that me is attached by all my lives! Hmmm... memory of the beginning of my first Sega? Perhaps Babbage) from you bought that, (once more... I think) whether as for my father... the boutique of electronic engineering from the mall of the cherry tree (. I have remembered that you observe at that in order to obtain under the beginning box of Sega the worker rises vividly with the shelf. As for obtaining obtaining Ohhh... then me all of the cash which I can summon the sound wave from Aldi and in order to buy the joint of the finger to be that time which throws away the small bit together there. And this post, the finish with respect to Nintendo 64 day of thing which is received. ... Several Christmases... year. I have presumed 1996. I received new TV from my grandmother and Nintendo 64. Spasm well and the large container. Being surprised, I (me... how oh am high in Mario 64 which whether it came) striking the fact that the repair person of TV when demagnetizes our televisions the recall is done and Waverace 64, at the time of the ampere. And next shadow of empire. There was a war game of the large star. It is wampa or the cord/code which operates the 隼 of Millenium rising narrowly in my finger. It was good, that a little was the memory lane pleasure of amusement! At the time of the ampere, it is and... that is 19 years whose gambling is directly splendid (or so)! Here there are many many!


Phew. Sound familiar? I decided to run the January 17th post through a Japanese translator, and then back through an English one. My...great fun! Well, have a good weekend all. Sorry about the lazy post, but I'm....lazy. BWAHAHAHA!!!

"He'll be fine once the world stops spinning..."
"Oh. Is that gonna happen, too?"

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