Friday, February 17, 2006

Fuman's First 10 Friday

Yes, it's that time again. What wacky sounds will leak from the Apple earbuds this Friday? You won't believe the senses-shattering answer! Or maybe you will...

1) Aerodynamic - Daft Punk
I wasn't really in the mood for Daft Punk first thing in the morning, but I'm glad it was up first. This repetitive little ditty makes me Or something. It's Daft Punk, 'nuff said.

2) Never is Enough - Barenaked Ladies
Ah, one of my favorite tunes from the Stunt album. It's a good reflection of how the BNL operate. Yeah, there are a ton of great things to go out and do. But honestly, amazing grand adventures are definitely not necessary to be content. Though they are quite fun...
The world's your oyster shell
So what's that funny smell
You eat the bivalve anyway
And you're sick with salmonella

Whoo. Good lyrics!

3) I'll Fly Away - Gillian Welch & Alison Krauss
Another O Brother tune. Another I wasn't necessarily dying to hear, but it provided some nice relaxing folksy music to walk to. A classic hymn, pretty alright song.

4) Brotherhood of Man - Matthew Broderick, Gerry Vichi, & Lilias White
From How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. I actually saw the musical when our high school put it on, and really enjoyed it. Though the song is good, I didn't feel the need to listen to all of it today. If you like musicals, you've probably heard this. If you don't like musicals, you probably won't like this.

5)US Army Hymn - John Philip Sousa
Well, how about that? I forgot I had this in my library. Very nearly marched back to my dorm...very nearly...

6) Don't Give Up On Us - David Soul
Yes, that's right. The original by our very own original Ken Hutchinson. It's so sappy, and yet it's actually a decent song. If you're unfamiliar with the song, Owen Wilson sang a version of it in the Starsky and Hutch movie (of course it was, for comedy's sake, a joke type version).

7) Damaged Goods - Fastball
I've had the Fastball CD for quite a while, but never really listened to more than a few tracks. I'm glad this First 10 Friday is giving me that opportunity to do that, because this is a good song I would have otherwise missed. Not my favorite Fastball song, but good. I guess they released another album after All the Pain Money Can Buy. Perhaps, I should invest in that...

8) Totem - Rush
A more recent Rush song. Similar to the message of Free Will, in that it's better to put your faith in the here and now, rather than some celestial force. At least, that's what I'm getting from it. I can't say that I agree that there should be NO belief in higher powers, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with staying down to earth. In fact, being so "high up" and intoxicated and blinded by religion causes major problems. I'm probably the least Christian Christian there is. Or am I? Mysterious...

9) Plastic Man - Arthur Korb
Back in the 60's a guy by the name of Arthur Korb released a few superhero-based CDs. This came from the Songs and Stories of the Justice League CD, which appears to have been issued in either 1966 or 1975. Insanely odd, this CD is so bad it's good. There's a nice mix of character themes and radio show style stories. Being the comic geek that I am, I couldn't possibly rob myself of this dazzling gem.

10) Good Life - Francis Dunnery
Ah, somewhat of a downer after that Plastic Man song. This is on the Scrubs soundtrack, which is an odd collection of random things - sort of like the show. This is all about moving on from a love, and wondering what will become of each other.

That's it for now. Hope you loved it. I am so ready for the weekend! A nice one with my Jennifer. Have a good weekend, everybody. And if a certain Chris Keith offers to show you the goat/brains/bat wing, DECLINE! That goes for if he asks if you want to "hear something funny" as well. Here's a gift, for all you Punch-Out!! fans.

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