Thursday, February 09, 2006

Haxx0rz t3h l337 gaym3Z!!!1!1!11one!!1!!

Oh, how I loathe leet speak. It just seemed like a good title to me, as I've been playing some hacked ROMs (note that for security purposes, I do not OWN the ROMs. I just play them in my mind). Sure, I've messed with hacks in the past (even before my computer could handle an SNES emulator), but I've just recently being exploring them more deeply. Of particular interest to me are the great Super Mario World ROMs. The Reality Project, Dr. Mario, the list goes on and on...if you want to try to breathe some new life into games that you've beaten to death, give these hacks a try! They range from the difficulty increasers, to new features (Secret of Evermore 2-Player), to the wtf? category (Panic in the Mushroom Kingdom and Bizzarrio Brothers). I assure you, though, that there are some great projects out there.

Finished Get a Life the other day. William Shatner is my HERO! This book not only gives you a peek behind the scenes of TOS, but really shows the former Enterprise captain as a real person. Though he's been accused of showboating by Mr. Takei and others, this shows off a more normal...well...normal's not quite the word for Mr. Shatner, but a more modest Shatner. Some touching interviews and a few tales of Shatner's relentless assaults on Leonard Nimoy (or as the author might put it, "Leonard being a big baby") highlight the book. Heck, the humorous tales of Shatner/Nimoy are worth reading the book for. Can't forget the rubber alien mask antics...Pick it up! It's about 7 years old, so you could probably pick it up at Half Price for cheap.

As the readings of The Transformed Man came to an end, I began to peruse my book shelf for another book. I came across The Guide to the World's Greatest Treasures. Not a deep book, World's Greatest Treasures highlights a plethora of interesting historical mysteries. Some, like the Dead Sea Scrolls or Atlantis, are fairly well-known. However, I had never heard of the Baghdad Battery or Antikythera Mechanism before finding them in this book. Many treasures seem to be complete anachronisms and have made many a scientist and historian rethink some ancient civilizations. Did the Egyptians have the world's first electron tube? Some hieroglyphics seem to indicate that they did. If you can find this book by Michael Bradley, it'd be a good idea to at least flip through it and read a few sections. May get you to thinking...I know it made me think. It made me think, "Man...I want a Crystal Skull of Doom."

SPEAKING of ancient relics, paleontologists have discovered the remains of what appears to be an ancestor of the T. rex. It even has a nice little crest. Check out the news story. friends, it seem that this post is at an end. Tomorrow, taking a cue from Joey, you just may be treated to my "First 10 songs played" list. If you're VERY lucky, I may even add some commentary on the songs. Maybe. You probably won't be THAT lucky, though.

Down some Luck Sources and we'll talk. (I believe that 1 and only 1 reader will get that)


Anonymous said...

Corey, my love! Oh how I enjoy reading your posts!! I can't wait til tomorrow's post. I hope we're all lucky enough to get some commentary on the songs. So yeah, that's crazy about that dinosaur. You know what I want to see? I want to see some salad fingers. That thing is crazy! Well anywho, I hope you enjoyed my comment! I heart you Corey!

Poop :)

Joey said...

Let's see....Luck sources...I don't know if I'm the one you're talking about, but several RPG's have Luck as a category, and thus have luck power ups. Is it one of those?

On the T-Rex ancestor, I don't know what to think of it. It looks remarkably like a raptor, especially with the feathers. But, it's probably likely that raptors and Tyrannasaurs (and every bipedal carnivore for that matter) has a common ancestor, probably from the same period as the new dinosaur (Late Jurassic, early Cretaceous, if I remember right from the Yahoo article). I almost blogged on this, but I've had a lot of "I love dinosaurs" stuff lately.

Corey said...

Yeah, you're pretty much right. I was actually referring more to Ross because Luck Sources (and other Sources) were from Final Fantasy VII. But yes, you were quite close.