Sunday, February 12, 2006

Vol.1, #50 more

It seems some moron has hacked into VGMix and ruined the site. Those that reign over the site have decided that rather than waste time meticulously rebuilding and "hacker-proofing" VGMix, they're going ahead with a VGMix 3.0. Good luck guys! I hope to see VGMix up and running again soon.

What a weekend. I got to spend some time with Jason, Nick, and Chris for the first time in a while. Great fun, staying up until 7 in the a.m. playing Guitar Hero and awaiting Chris' next display of "the Brains." I also caught the last bit of the movie Waiting... which is quite a good movie. Sort of moronic, but absolutely hilarious. Mmmm...another trip to Waffle 'n' Steak, the restaurant of the Gods. Afterwards, our party went on a salvage mission to our good buddy Kasey's. Hail Gordo! The next day, we ventured forth after losing our companion Chris to Greenwood. Picked up some great comics! I've got a nice stack of pulp to read through. I wouldn't mind a reread of Crisis on Infinite Earths, either...

Weekends like that make me wonder why the hell I'm in college. Well...I know WHY I'm in the college. But seriously, without your friends and wacky shenanigans, life's so pointless. That's why I'm so thankful for the people around me. You guys are great. I live for the shenaniganz.

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