Monday, March 27, 2006

5 Weeks to Go!? just hit me how near the end of the school year is. I have to say that this semester has sort of flown by. In fact...I don't recall the past 2 weeks occurring. That's probably not a good thing. Bah, oh well! So close to getting out of here and on to what I REALLY want to do (direct...). I just felt the need to post today, but I don't really have an ultimate idea in mind (by the way, that last parenthetical expression was false). I've been reading Medea: Harlan's World lately and it is quite interesting. It's a good insight on the thought processes that may or may not go on in the heads of writers. This, of course, has led me to do a little reading on Harlan Ellison himself and he seems to be quite the interesting guy...

What else to yammer on about? It rained a bit today, but it was a really good rain. The first good rain, in my opinion, in quite a while. It was the right temperature out for it and it smelled like a good rain. It's odd that when you're out in the country, a light rain seems to freshen everything up. In a more heavily populated area, however, it just makes everything cold and desolate. Usually, anyway. Today's instance was a rare instance where even in the ugly areas that I tread on the way to classes the rain seemed refreshing. Top that off with the fact that What a Wonderful World came on right as I noticed the beauty of the rain! It's the little things, eh?

It turns out that work is underway to begin hacking the Super Mario 64 ROM and create custom levels. Whoa. I remember when it was amazing for the (somewhat) common computer user to be able to get into the Super Mario WORLD ROM and mess with the textures. This reminds me. I love video games. LOVE 'em. It saddens me that I've been rather busy (or in the mood at the wrong time) and video gaming hasn't been a priority. I have a feeling it will pick up in the summer and probably next year. It's hard to get into a long game when you don't know if you'll be able to play consistently for the next few weeks.

EDIT: What a moron I am! I meant to mention that I played co-op Donkey Kong Country 2 over the weekend with my lovely Jennifer. Now THAT'S a good classic game. Sorry, just had to mention it.

Spore. Just wow...I've always admired Will Wright (though I didn't always know it) for promoting ingenuity and innovation into his games, even at the cost of sales. The more of Spore I see, the more I want it. Here's hoping that the game gets ported over the to the Nintendo Revolution! Of course, a Mac version would suffice...yeah, I think that would be sufficient.

I think that's just about all that's been on my mind. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a speech to practice. And I might take a little visit to Harlan's World.

1 comment:

RMartinLP said...

I want to play spore as well.