Thursday, March 02, 2006

Raise Your Banner High, this blog "revamp." That's not going so well. I really should work with a different template, but I really don't feel like that. So after many frustrating starts, I've decided to simply stick a new header on. Keeping that spaced correctly was evil. Of course, I WANT to revamp the blog eventually. It'll just be in baby steps. I think. Or maybe it'll never happen. Oh well. Enjoy the new banner!


Corey said...

Why thank you, sir Nic. Hopefully, my Photoshopping skills will improve and some day...SOME DAY the blog will really change around.

Joey said...

I dig the new banner, my friend. Inparticularly, the 80's heavy metal style lettering. And thanks for showing up my new banner. :)

Corey said...

Thanks. I suppose this banner is here to stay. That font, by the way, is styled after the old Arkanoid font.