Saturday, March 11, 2006

Obnoxious little frog...

Man. Spring Break is over. Though I'm beginning to seriously doubt that it really began in the first place. I am distressed, angry, and depressed. Oh, and our DSL connection decided to give out yesterday. Thus, there was no First 10 Friday. HOWEVER! Fear not! This list is a necessary escape into the wonderful world of music, so here goes...Fuman's Fantastically Late First 10 Friday!

1) Another Postcard (acoustic) - Barenaked Ladies
Something amazing here. I instantly connected to this song on the BNL album Everything to Everyone. Not in the sense that it held meaning for me, but in the sense that I instantly liked it. How could you go wrong with a song about chimp postcards? Hint: you can't.

2) One Week - Barenaked Ladies
Interesting...two BNL songs in a row. Everyone's heard this song. Filled to the brim with pop culture references, this wacky song is probably BNL's most recognized (in America, anyway).

3) The Zephyr Song - Red Hot Chili Peppers
A good "let's get out of here" song. Mmm...escape sounds so good. A great RHCP song from a great RHCP album.

4) New Slang - the Shins
I actually had never heard of the Shins until I picked up the Music from Scrubs CD. That is one wacky soundtrack...if you haven't watched Scrubs, do yourself a favor and check it out. Some truly bizarre and geeky comedy in there! Anyway, this song is odd. A tad depressing, as it seems to be some sort of longing for old days and how things didn't work out exactly as the narrator planned.

5) B Minor Jam - Eric Clapton
Clapton is a god. That being said, I'm incredibly glad that I stumbled upon Clapton's collection The Blues. This song is from the instrumental disc that came (I think) as a bonus in the collection. Verrry nice.

6) Imagine - John Lennon
The problem with having so many well-known songs is that there aren't a lot of things I can write that would blow anybody's mind. This song's idea of a utopia is a great one...too bad it's up to US to create that perfect world. Ah well. Nice idea, anyway.

7) Sunshine of Your Love - Cream
So many classics...this was put into the playlist by way of the recently purchased Cream of Clapton CD. A nice compilation that collects the highlights of Clapton's musical career. Though it's really great, I'd have to say that The Blues contains more raw Clapton.

8) By the Way - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Shuffle didn't shuffle this playlist too much! The second song on the list from the album By the Way, By the Way is, like many RHCP songs, borderline bizarre. I'm sure there's a meaning behind it, but I'm not up for thinking about it too much at the present time.

9) It's the End of the World as We Know It - REM
C'mon, how can you not enjoy this one? Though it's well known, I don't know if there's a definite meaning behind the song established. To me, it seems like it's about how things get crazier and crazier in this world and how sometimes you just need to step back and laugh at it all. I, however, prefer to ALWAYS be back laughing at it all. Good song.

10) Sweetwater, Texas - Fastball
Hmmm...hadn't ever listened to this one. Even after doing so, I had to look up the lyrics. Even then, I'm not sure I completely get this song. Seems to be something about a life that was perhaps wasted? I think maybe the person in the song is reflecting on his life and realizing how he was shaped more by outside influences rather than his own self. I'll need to listen to this some more.

Well, that's it for now. I doubt there will be any more posts until Monday's 5, so until then -- take care, people.


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