Monday, March 06, 2006

Choose Luca Land! Dream Dreams...

It's a tad late, but here is the VG First 5 Monday list. This list seems to be even more obscure than the last...oh well, that should just encourage you, dear readers, to play more games. Oh, and I've somewhat decided on a format for songs. It will be the title, the source of the track (i.e. the game), and then the composer if it's known. In the case of a remix, it will go: title, remixer, original source.

1) Choose Your Buddy! - Sonic Adventure - Jun Senoue
Nothing too entirely exciting or complex here. Of course, it IS just the character select theme. This type of track is what causes problems in deciding what standard should be used to decide what tracks qualify to stay on the playlist. Anyway, this track is simple but a good representation of the music style of the Sonic Adventure series.

2) Luca - Final Fantasy X - Nobuo Uematsu
The town themes of Final Fantasy have always been a favorite of mine. When considering Final Fantasy X, you have to understand how much of a departure this game (and I suppose most of the FFs after VI) was from what had come before. Uematsu did a nice job of keeping a calming quality to this track while at the same time injecting the bustling life of Luca.

3) Super Mario Land - Super Mario Land - Koji Kondo(?)
Umm...this track is a mystery. I have no idea where it came from, and there is no information about it. It sounds like a J-Pop/80's pop version of the first two levels of Super Mario Land. Sounds...interesting. It even throws in some old Game Boy sound effects near the end. Mysterious...

4) Dreaming of Home (A Lullaby) - ManInGrey - Earthbound
A chillin' sort of remix of the home theme of Earthbound. I'd check VGMix to be sure, but I seem to remember this being dedicated to the remixer's cat. The somewhat bittersweet background manifests itself in this song. It's sweet and a bit nostalgic. That's Earthbound for you. Definitely worth the download.

5) The Dreamy Stage - Sonic Adventure - Jun Senoue
I love this track. Sonic Adventure had some very memorable tunes. This isn't one of them. However, it fits the Casinopolis level perfectly. A little blues lick opens it up, and from there it's a subdued, suave, big band Not amazing, but matches the context perfectly.

Well, that's it for now. Oh, one more thing. Many times I post remixes on this list, which probably none of my readers have heard. Fear not, for they are available 100% free (AND legal)! OC Remix and VGMix are the main places I acquire these remixes. Unfortunately, VGMix isn't functioning at this moment. It probably won't be for some time, so for now, OC Remix will have to satisfy. So check it out.

I feel like there was something else to talk about...hmmm...perhaps it was just the little twinge of anger after reading this article, which was brought to my attention by Joey's blog (credit for him - I probably wouldn't have seen it right away if not for him). If you've not read it, check it out. And then cry. Of course, it probably won't pass...but then...apparently, as we saw in 2000, you can actually lose an election and then become President. My, these times ARE a-changin'.

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