Sunday, March 05, 2006

I think that the Pink Ones are my favorite - but perhaps it's the Blue

I happened to notice that Neil Gaiman keeps an online journal. Nifty. I'll have to keep up on that. Speaking of Mr. Gaiman, I've been meaning to pick up a copy of Good Omens, a novel by Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. It looks interesting, and anything that promises Armageddon AND laughs instantly earns my interest.

Tomorrow, my Spring Break officially begins. I have a computer science program to write, a speech to write, and a calculus assignment to complete (not to mention a quiz to prepare for - easy, though). Isn't break fun? Eff Ball State and it's shoddy commercials. Have you SEEN these things? PUT ON A SHIRT, WOMAN! Does anyone else find the new Ball State commercial a tad creepy? It looks like Gora presides over a mausoleum and she's desperate for new blood. "Coooome! BRAINS! I NEED BRAINS! SETTLE FOR SECOND BEST! BRAINS!"

I greatly enjoy frozen dinners, but they're basically a subzero heart attack waiting to happen. Still, they are delicious. Except for the green beans. Tastes like some sort of antiseptic grass, if you ask me. Curse the instructions, too! The Hungry Man dinners now include a chocolate brownie, which is placed right in the middle of the tray. This would be fine, but the instructions require that you remove the plastic cover over the puddle of chocolate. Why not put the brownie on a corner, so I could do that without having to break out the scissors? Okay, so I can do it with a fork...but STILL!

Last night, I restored the Old Kings to power. That's right, the Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 once again are fixtures upon my entertainment center. I sort of just sampled a few games here and there, but I found that I could not break away from Demon's Crest. As my lovely Jennifer did some homework, I played through all of Demon's Crest. Sure, I failed to complete it 100%, but I reached an ending. In one sitting. Whoa. The game that nearly brought me to tears at one point in time due to the frustrating difficulty was beaten in one sitting. I realized last night, how much fun it is to reminisce about video games with somebody with you. It's cool enough that Jennifer watches me play. It's even better that she likes to play, as well. I'm lucky to have a girlfriend like that.

Yup. Well, I think I'm done for now. Even though tomorrow is break, I think there will be a VG First 5 tomorrow. We shall see. Oh, and for the record...I think it might be the Purple ones.

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